I am extremely happy to inform the Indian geoscientific fraternity thot the Federation of Indian Geosciences Associations (FIGA) has come into being in 2014 as a Federation representing most of the geoscientific associations in India.
It is, with pride and great satisfaction; I share the origin and activities of FIGA among our geoscientific fraternity. The seeds to sprout the united body to represent various geoscientific associations in India and abroad were sown way back in 2007 which has become a reality only in 2014 as a result of the unstinted efforts of many of the geoscientific community. One of the main objective of FIGA is to bring in all the geosciences associations together to be able to put in concerted efforts, for the progress of geosciences in India. At the same time, it is always clear that FIGA would not interfere with the set goals and objectives of individual member associations. However, one of the main objectives of FIGA is to facilitate a collective and synergic approach to address the national needs and comply with the international requirements both form the Government and geosciences fraternity points of view.
The FIGA having identified the pertinent and contemporary issues that demands the attention of the geoscientific community in the country, has constituted a number of Commissions to deal with specific issues and problems. To fortify the same, the Commissions are led by one of the member associations and are supported by a few more association members who in turn have formed an executive body. The Commissions have already designed their own objectives and activities within the FIGA framework. FIGA would be organizing a triennial convention, the first of which will be held at Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad during late 2016. It is expected that all the member associations would not only be actively participating in the triennial congress but also design individual and collaborative scientific events, apart from the Federation’s events. The triennial congress will also focus on coming up with future S& T plans for the country.
In the present session on “Geosciences for the future’ An Indian Perception” it is expected that all the Commissions will finalize their objectives and future course of action and will be able to come up with a number of events to be organized in the next two years. I am sure FIGA will evolve and serve the role of a national body and will be able to contribute to the growth of geosciences in the country in general and to strengthen the role and presence of geoscientific fraternity in India and abroad.
Shailesh Nayak
President – FIGA